Anti-racist training & consultancy in the Early Years sector
The Black Nursery Manager
Building Anti-Racist Foundations
Liz Pemberton X Barnardo's SEEN
In collaboration with SEEN and Shenny Animation Studio, Liz has created an Early Years resource to help educators on their anti-racist journey with an introduction to her framework, The 4 E's of Anti-Racist Practice. SEEN is a Barnardo’s initiative building a core foundation of knowledge, a network of people and advocacy for those with authentic experience. We are working to achieve a system change in the provision of services to tackle the disproportionate outcomes children and young people of African, Asian and Caribbean heritage face.
Liz Pemberton
Liz Pemberton (she/her) is an award winning early years anti-racist trainer and consultant.. Her company, The Black Nursery Manager Ltd, focuses on providing tailored support working closely with Local Authorities, early years organisations, Primary school teachers and a range of other professionals in the sector to promote the best anti-racist practice. With over 16 years in the education sector, Liz’s roles have included Secondary School Teacher (QTS), public speaker and Nursery Manager. This has enabled her to teach, manage, support and educate early years students, practitioners and professionals in a variety of forums.
To promote inclusive practice in the Early Years (under 5’s) education sector, with a particular focus on how race, culture and ethnicity should be considered in this practice. During her career, Liz has developed a fantastic network of likeminded practitioners and professionals, broadening her focus from Nursery Management to sharing her expertise through her own carefully curated webinars , courses and on her social media platforms.

“The content was brilliant and pitched perfectly. The style and passion of Liz's delivery was refreshing. Very enjoyable”
— Webinar attendee quote

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